Andrea Saldaña Rivera
Sadness and joy…traveling on the train.
Sadness and joy… traveling on the train. For a farewell, one that is frugal, without protocol, while crying slips silently, you have to say goodbye quietly. With the shape of a woman and the hidden, hoarse sadness of the soul. The priest of my town distributed blessings at the train station. Women and a few men were grateful for the years of support and services.
La iglesia seguiría, llegaría su reemplazo, confirmó varias veces esperando traer con esa información, consuelo para todos. Ya no sería lo mismo, repetían afligidos. El cura estaba triste y muy adolorido. A lo lejos, se escuchó al conductor, llegó clara la alerta y la señal de siempre, acostumbrada entonces: Vaaaámonooos, repitió varias veces ante tal multitud.
Sadness and joy… traveling on the train.
El cura subió al tren, no tenía otro remedio. El pañuelo de nuevo enjugaba su llanto, agitando su mano les bendijo, en un gesto fraterno. El tren, fue dejando a lo lejos aquella muchedumbre. Esperó unos minutos. El horizonte huía, ya borroso… a lo lejos. Se encaminó a su asiento y subió su maleta.
He greeted tenderly. The woman next to him leaned into his chest. A gleam of joy appeared in his eyes, his lips already gently brushing her face. She took his hands and placed them on her belly, where a new life brightened her day, so full of hope.
Sadness and joy… traveling on the train.
priest saying goodbye at the FFCC stationAs if they were looking at each other in a mirror, he said to both of them without removing their hands: “What madness, what divine madness. Give voice to the silence of our silent love. It would not have been honest to continue as if nothing had happened. It would not have been worthy to dedicate my life to them and break myself to pieces and leave you with just crumbs. The sum of the days, the restlessness of the nights, will be only ours. You, tell me if there is anything else... that you need from me. Tell me, if I need to, defend myself from being, just what I am to live with you. She looked at his eyes very close to hers, snuggled up again to say very softly "I accept you as you are for life.