You did me a big favor when you left
not being by my side anymore, I already realized,
it is, of the most transcendent, a real challenge
for both. One might think that episode
like an austere, rigorous, inexorable ending.
One could feel like a perennial orphan,
carrying, with the heavy slab of your absence
here, on my back, while crying
I dragged your name, until I arrived without haste
to drown it, in the serene lakes of oblivion.
It would be necessary to work, to dry all the pain
and the anguish, which remains in a sore soul,
perhaps it is convenient to air without pain, the penance
that this means, perhaps, a generous forgiveness
and total absolution, hand in hand with oblivion.
The most remarkable thing about poetry, in my opinion, is how it makes it easier to explore language. Probably delights in the multiple applications of words because our language is so rich in meanings. Because, in dictionaries, the meanings of each word are usually numbered, the task usually enriches the person who performs it, in the first instance.
It seems to be one of the biggest challenges. However, the poem is worked, both to avoid repeated words and to eliminate cacophonies and words that could cause a sound, an unpleasant effect or different from the one that is sought. Finally, find the metaphors, https://www.ejemplos.co/metafora/as someone who is molding the clay to give shape to the piece that, although one does not have a precise idea of it, it could almost be said that the mind leads it by the hand until it finds it. Andrea Saldaña Rivera. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrea_Salda%C3%B1a