Public Health, Congruence and Purpose in Life ...

Por Andrea Saldaña Rivera


Proudly Sanitarista.

Andrea Saldaña Rivera

Public Health, consistency and purpose in life, nuance of stories, actions ... they offered the scholarship to study public health, I felt that I should not accept. It was not just the fear of staying halfway, the subconscious warned that if the answer was yes, I would stay forever. And that was what happened.

When studying, I considered that public health could also be defined with the words with which Quevedo spoke of love “… it is scorching ice. It is frozen fire. Like a wound that hurts and does not feel”. I think of those responsible for making such a commitment: my teachers. In that generation we had the greats in the fields of their specialty. María Guadalupe Frausto Pérez, a central figure in public health nursing at the national level. Trainer of 40 generations of sanitarians, a committed professional, her recognitions have done justice to her dedication and dedication.


The teacher Luis Peregrina, also coordinator of my field practices and the Mexican anthropologist, researcher and indigenous person Ricardo Pozas Arciniegas. Author of Juan Pérez Jolote, biography of a Tzotzil, The Mazatecs and Chamula, an Indian town in the highlands of Chiapas. Both had a common influence, the first with statistics. With the second I managed to glimpse another Mexico, his readings helped to understand, value and search for the essence of indigenous peoples, of their culture. At least with regard to the aspects that impact your health.

There were many more teachers, the full-time teachers had to be joined by the guests, who have left testimony of their trajectory in the pages of the academy, of the history of our training.

Public Health "Dreaming of roses and inventing stars."

Recipiential in 2009.

My companions joked about idealism and naivety, provincial at last, they concluded. Far from bothering me, I was probably flattered. My sources of learning in life had been books, radio and movies, the fashionable romantic boleros. Adolescent hobby or addiction, especially some like “forever, a lifetime, you, gem, taste of deception ... " Also to the poems of so many writers who promoted in the task of, in the manner of Sabines "Dream in roses and invent stars”.


In conclusion, it was the decade of the 60s. Sexual repression and Puritanism were largely sustained by social and cultural context. As a result, criticism, scrutiny and guilt management were exercised openly. Consequently, the discourses and practices qualified how to understand and exercise sexuality. Finally, after the publication of the Kinsey Report and other impact events in the 70s, the possibility of starting sex education was opened.

Source: Claroscuros de Salud Pública…. Editorial Edamex. 2012.

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